On premise deployment - MX runtime for CACertificates causing app to fault with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException:

I'm looking for some assistance in understand how to correctly set the Mendix runtime variable 'CACertificates' per instructions found at https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/custom-settings/#CACertificates inside a docker compose yaml file.    Firstly, I'm testing on my local system using docker but will eventually transition to Azure. Below is the partial docker compose file showing the various paths assigned to MXRUNTIME_CACertificates.                # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= '/opt/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt'             # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= './DevOps/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt'             # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= 'DevOps/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt'             # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= 'DevOps\DSRA-folders\Initialization\Certs\IPCPPCASHA2.crt'             # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates='C:\devHome\docker-compose\pobaa-taskconsole\DevOps\DSRA-folders\Initialization\Certs\IPCPPCASHA2.crt'     It doesn't seem to matter if I use the path within the container, full path or relative path to the file, I'm getting the following "NoSuchFileException" error each and every time.      This is a copy of my docker-compose.yml file. The MXRUNTIME_CACertificates is commented out so that the app will start. I've tried with a space after the equals symbol ("=") and without. The result is always the same. I get a M2EE error while initializing the runtime.    # version: "2.4" services: taskconsole: image: $Repo:$Tag container_name: taskconsole healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8082"] interval: 15s retries: 2 start_period: 10s timeout: 3s ports: - 8180:8080 env_file: - mendix-app-build.env - mendix-app-secure.env environment: - MXRUNTIME_ApplicationRootUrl=http://tc.localhost.com:8180 # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= '/opt/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt' # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= './DevOps/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt' # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= 'DevOps/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt' # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates= 'DevOps\DSRA-folders\Initialization\Certs\IPCPPCASHA2.crt' # - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates='C:\devHome\docker-compose\pobaa-taskconsole\DevOps\DSRA-folders\Initialization\Certs\IPCPPCASHA2.crt' volumes: - './DevOps/DSRA-folders:/opt/DSRA-folders' networks: - taskconsole deploy: resources: limits: cpus: "1" # memory: 1G memory: 4096m reservations: cpus: ".5" memory: 500m networks: taskconsole: name: taskconsole driver: bridge   Using a docker compose yaml file, how does now set the CACertificates path?    EDIT:    It turns out that the issue was being caused by the single quotes ('). Using this worked for me, allowing me to import the certificate for testing against our LDAP servers.     - MXRUNTIME_CACertificates=/opt/DSRA-folders/Initialization/Certs/IPCPPCASHA2.crt
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