MxBuild Process Faild In Linux System

Hi Makers,   I am currently working on a Linux system and attempting to create a .mda (deployment package) file from a .mpk file using MxBuild, the Mendix CLI tool. However, I am encountering numerous errors related to the design system during the build process.   Here is the command I am using and the errors I am encountering:   ./mxbuild --target=package --java-home="/usr/share/jdk-21.0.2" --java-exe-path="/usr/share/jdk-21.0.2/bin/java.exe" "/usr/share/mxbuild/mendixcode/SMART_PMO.mpr"   Response:   Command: [ec2-user@ip-172-31-22-55 modeler]$ ./mxbuild --target=package --java-home="/usr/share/jdk-21.0.2" --java-exe-path="/usr/share/jdk-21.0.2/bin/java.exe" "/usr/share/mxbuild/mendixcode/SMART_PMO.mpr" Response: __ __ ____ _ _ _ | \/ | | _ \ (_) | | | | \ / |_ _| |_) |_ _ _| | __| | | |\/| \ \/ / _ <| | | | | |/ _` | | | | |> <| |_) | |_| | | | (_| | |_| |_/_/\_\____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_| v9.24.11.19193 Starting build for Mendix Project file: /usr/share/mxbuild/mendixcode/SMART_PMO.mpr Using the following options: * Build target: Package Reading project file... Building project... Executing step 'Synchronize with file system' * Synchronizing with file system... Executing step 'Initialize' * Preparing deployment... Executing step 'Check prerequisites' * Checking for errors... Executing step 'Clean up' * Cleaning up... ERROR: The project cannot be deployed, because it contains errors. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Layout grid 'layoutGrid2': Design property Spacing top is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Layout grid 'layoutGrid2': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Universal File Viewer 'universalFileViewer1': Could not find widget 'Universal File Viewer' in the 'widgets' directory. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Container 'container1': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Container 'container1': Design property Spacing top is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Container 'container1': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Layout grid 'layoutGrid1': Design property Spacing top is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Layout grid row: The weights of the columns in a row must add up to 12, but currently they add up to -1. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Container 'container1': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Container 'container3': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Container 'container9': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Container 'container17': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Container 'container18': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Vendor_Detail', Container 'container19': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ...... ...... etc.... ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Contract_ApprovePage', Container 'container5': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'Contract_ApprovePage', Container 'container43': Design property Align content is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options. ERROR at (unknown location): Too many errors. Only displaying the first 1336. BUILD FAILED   I would greatly appreciate any guidance or assistance in resolving these errors and successfully building the .mda file from my Mendix project.   Thanks in Advance Dinesh Gunasekaran
3 answers

Looks like the error is outlined in your log. Seems like it's a theming issue. I would expect that changing to a compatible theme or removing the design properties would fix this issue.


ERROR at SMART_PMO, Page 'ProjectDoc_View', Layout grid 'layoutGrid2': Design property Spacing top is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.


Hi Makers,

           I've found the solution for this, I was using .mpr file alone to create .mda file so I got this issue. Then I tried with entire project file and then I tried the same process the issue was resolved.



Thank & Regards

Dinesh Gunasekaran


Would you please share the information of mxbuild linux version?


I need to get how to create mda file without mono in linux env. 


Plz. share your experience. 


Thanks in advance... ^^
