Error during creating deployment package

Hi, I'm getting following error during creating deployment package.   Please let me know what to do to overcome these errors:   AppData\Local\Temp\4mxxu3cr.nvf\javasource\databaseconnector\impl\ error: package com.zaxxer.hikari does not exist     [javac] import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;     [javac]                         ^     [javac] C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\4mxxu3cr.nvf\javasource\databaseconnector\impl\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         private final Map<Integer, HikariDataSource> connectionPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();     [javac]                                    ^     [javac]   symbol:   class HikariDataSource     [javac]   location: class JdbcConnectionManager  
1 answers

Hello Atul, 


I think it is a conflict in your userlibs, things to troubleshoot are the following:


- download the latest version of the database connector again

- clean up your deployment directory 

- rerun your application

- check if your problem persist

2. Clean up your userlibs

- go to your app directory 

- navigate to userlibs or vendor libs and check if you have unused or duplicated user lib keep one of them and move the other out of the app directory

- synchronize app directory 

- clean deployment directory

- rerun

- check if problem persist


- create a blank app

- download the latest version of the database connector module

- run your application

- if everything works check your userlibs and vendorlibs

- compare them to your main project and see which userlib you miss or is different


- try to find the user lib that you miss 

- download it and added to your project


- create a ticket at mendix when it is a mendix marketplace module

- otherwise contact the owner of the module


Hope this helps 


Good luck!

