Namespace Operator and Agent has disappeared from the running EKS Mendix cluster

Namespace Operator and Agent has disappeared from the running EKS Mendix cluster   We observer the strange behaviour on the working server where all of the sudden we noticed the Mendix Operator and Namespace has disappeared but we see the apps under the Namespace are running .But when we stop the app it gave the error that agent is disconnected.   Moreover,When we noticed the Namespace status it saying pending .   We want to know the root cause what caused this issue and how can we restore Namespace operator and Agent.   We already tried to install the operator and agent but it didnt helped .How can we avoid this in future.
1 answers

Hi Mohammed Muddassar, check the Deployments if they are reset:



If they are zero, it means that your deployment file (which controls both the agent and operator pods) are downloaded. If you need to scale your deployments again, you can use the following command:


kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=1


Hope this helps
