Is the Anonymous User being considered a Named User in Licensing and Reporting Metrics?

Hi, I have found in Mendix documentation the definition of the Named User "Named User – an individual authorized by you to have access to your apps with unique login credentials, or an authorized external system that accesses or is accessed by your application." Also, I have found in one of the answers to a question in the community that "When using anonymous access the platform creates a temporary user, this does count as a named user".   Are the following points correct in licensing and reporting metrics: Named Users = Count of Active Users who have access to my apps with unique login credentials, or an authorized external system that accesses or is accessed by my application, even WS and Admin users + Count of the temporarily created users for anonymous users (Although this conflicts with the definition of named users who have unique login credentials). So, Can I say it is the total count for the users created in the "user" entity with " Active " status? The concurrent named users: Total number of signing-in users using unique login credentials, or an authorized external system that accesses or is accessed by my application, even WS and Admin users. The concurrent anonymous users: Total number of signing-in anonymous users.
1 answers

In Mendix, anonymous users do not count as active users for which a license fee has to be paid. Licensing in Mendix typically counts named users, which are users who have a Mendix account and log into the application using this account. Anonymous users, who access the application without logging in, do not fall under this category. But to be sure, take up contact with your CSM, Customer success manager, to give you the definitive answer based on the contract you have with Mendix. That contract is the only source that you can fully rely on.
