Deploy V4 vs V3: V4 take 4 times longer then V3 cloud.

I am not thrilled with the performance of the V4 cloud vs the V3 cloud. Not only is the retrieving of log files redicously slow (4 minutes to 5 minutes) also the deploy of the environment takes way much longer. We tested both clouds with the same model. Transfer of model in V3: 25 seconds. Starting the application 55 seconds. Transfer of model in V4: 4 minutes 5 seconds  Starting the application 1 minute 49 seconds So the total downtime in V3: 1 minute 20 seconds. Total downtime in V4: 5 minutes 54 seconds. This makes me not happy.... Regards, Ronald  
4 answers

Hi Ronald,

  It might not solve the entire issue, but I submitted a support ticket weeks ago about the long start-up times for a V4 cloud, specifically around checking pre-requisites.  I have been informed that there have been some improvements made that will be released in version 7.4.  This should happen at the end of this month.



Is it possible to do a simple benchmark for application performance as well? The longer startup time makes me assume that the v4 environment you're using is just a lot slower as a whole than your v3 environment.


Can you let me know which Mendix version you are using for this? If it's a fairly recent one it will be a bit slower for a couple of weeks, until we include that version in the pre-loaded runtime list in v4.


I have a Mendix 7.4 application in the V4 cloud and it feels rather slow to me. Any updates on performance regarding V4 cloud?

Edit: i timed it transfer 49 seconds starting 77 seconds so its not as bad as i thought. Sure felt a lot longer yesterday. (My app is really small)
