White empty screen when app is running

Hey everyone, In the past I had a app running on 7.4.0 Modeler and Runtime and it worked fine. I updated the app to 7.6.0 and also downloaded the 7.6.0 Runtime. I made a deployment package and unpacked it. When I run my app local it works perfect but when I run it on premise I can reach the app but after the loginpage I get a blank white screen... There are no errors in the logs so i'm kinda confused about this. Has anyone ever had this problem before?  
8 answers

Are you running IIS? If so, could it be that the virtual mapping in IIS for the Mendix runtime folder is still pointing to the old runtime version? I've experienced this several times at a client when we'd upgrade the Mendix version but forget to point the path to the correct runtime.


That's the Mendix Service Console part. Since you mentioned that you're running the application on-premise, I assumed that you'd be running IIS or Apache. In the case of IIS, we have a client with a 3 tier setup (Mendix, Webserver, Database all on their own server). For this client we always needed to ensure that on the IIS side the mxclientsystem virtual directory was set to the correct (mendix runtime version) path.


If a widget is broken it will block the startup chain.



You can copy the index.html to index-console.html page and change

            dojoConfig = {
                isDebug: false,


            dojoConfig = {
                isDebug: true,

And look in the console (F12) of Chrome or FireFox in the console for error messages or in the network tab where the loading stops.


We ran into a similar problem some weeks ago. Locally it would work fine. But after we deployed the app we could only log in, after that it'd just show a white screen. No log messages or anything. But fortunately for us it was solved by redeploying the app. You've probably already tried it but...  tried turning it off and on again so to say?


We had this problem when we logged in with a user with a different language. Not all widgets can cope with the language settings. Have you tried other users / tried a different language? 


Thank you all for the ideas and support.
Currently i'm looking at the problem that I found in the console.

GET http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.net/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 12ms]
GET http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.net/mxclientsystem/mxui/ui/mxui.css [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 13ms]
GET http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.net/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 14ms]

It indeed looks like something on the server isnt configured correctly.. so i'm checking with them about this.
If this fixes the problem I will let everyone know


Hey everyone,

Another update here.

The problem is fixed and the app is working now. The problem was at the nginx side...
I asked them again to check everything and then suddenly they found some stuff that wasnt configfured corrertly for 7.6.0 yet.

Again thanks to everyone helping!



I ran into this issue today as well. I called support and they said 90% of the time it is related to a widget. 

My particular issue was resolved by removing all references to the 'Calendar' Widget (jQuery plugin created by Mendix. Version 5.3.2, using modeler version 7.6.0)

Recommended Steps By Support

1. Go to App Store and update all widgets




I had this issue recurring a few times over the span of a few months. It cost me hours up on hours.


The problem for me was that after opening localhost. The ?SAML? Login-Module somehow sometimes opens the wrong link. e.g.  http://localhost:8080/oauth/v2/login?profile=Responsive

This leads to a whitescreen and empty html.


The fix was changing the link to http://localhost:8080/login.html?profile=Responsive.


I only got that issue when I opened another app with the same startup-module in another Mendix version, as Apps with the same module in the same version had the same error.
