Free cloud app in Mendix 7.7.1 - infinite sleep mode

Hi guys, longtime lurker first time poster here!   We have a several test apps, where we test app store modules migration to newer versions together with Mendix update to the latest version etc. While migrating our test project from Mx 6.10.3 to 7.7.1, when deployed on the cloud, the app stays in sleep mode indefinitely and we cannot test functionalities. I have tried with several different apps all using different modules (SAML, SFTPConnection)  and none of the apps are active, all are in sleep mode. Our other test apps running on 7.6.0 are working fine in the free cloud, and I suspect that this is something related to Mx 7.7.1.   Are there any others experiencing this issue, or have an idea how this can be resolved?    
2 answers

What if you first migrate 6.10.3 to 7.6.0 and then migrate to 7.7.1?


Hi Mirko,

  This sounds like something the cloud team may be interested at looking into.  I'd recommend creating a support ticket in the support portal about this.  I can only assume this is some kind of bug.
