Data fallback vs Data replication

Could anyone explain to me what these terms entail as they are part of the form to request a new Mendix app. e.g. What is the difference between fallback and replication and on what environments are they applied just production or on all environments?
2 answers

A Replication-environment is a second database-server having exact same data as the origin in a near-live fashion Usually runs behind it's origin database-server by several minutes. Replication can be useful for taking a load of the production server by having the non-time-critical read actions not done on the production server, but on this replicated server. For instance the (often heavy) queries of BI-systems.  Another is having an up-to-date acceptance-environment. There are more use cases for having a replication-environment.

The Fallback-environment is where your application will flee to when the original environment is dead. Usually has to be up-and-running within a contractually set period of time, usually a pretty short period. To confuse you: Replication can also be used to keep a server stand-by to flee to. But that is just one possible implementation for the fallback-environment.


My to cents;

Replication is about copy (replication) of data.

Fallback is about having a fallback database in case of main DB failure. This database of course should be a replication of the main Db. But having a replicated db doesn't mean that it is the fallback.

Fail over is only available on the enterprise edition. not sure if this is limited to production. see;
