Odata consumption from on-premise SAP system when deployed to SAP Cloud Platform

Hi, I have successfully deployed a Mendix app to the SCP. The app should use odata services from an on-premise Gateway system. The cloud connector is set up successfully and a Destination has been defined in the Clound Foundry part for this Gateway system. The Mendix app has a user-defined variable which holds the url to this backend system which was used during modeling the app and running it locally. Once deployed to the SCP this user-defined variable should be replaced with "something" to point to the destination. Is there any how-to or best practice guide available?   Kind regards, John.
1 answers

Hi John, 

Like we have option to change the Environment Variables and Constants in Mendix Cloud and On-Premise Console instances there should be a repository in your SAP instance where you will be able to change the values of these variables. Just search through the SAP instance options for Environment variables.
