Error message Could not build your widgets... pops up when running project locally (Mendix 6.10.12)

Hi all, When trying to run a Mendix 6.10.12 project locally, the following error message pops up: Could not build your widgets. This may be due to outdated widgets in your project. You can check which widgets failed to build by clicking Tools > Check Widgets. I did what the error message suggested and used the tool Check widgets. This resulted in a list with widgets that failed to build (can't share the list). A message suggested to update them. But all widgets are up to date, because other team members can run the same project fine locally. Didn't know what to do next. A Google result suggested to look at the contents of the file project > deployment > log > build_webui_bundle_log.txt Below the contents of this file. I renamed the project name to Projectname. Running "generate:profile" (generate) task \\Mac\Home\Documents\Mendix\ProjectName\deployment\widgets.config.json [ 'ScrollToAnchor.widget.ScrollToAnchor', 'ScrollToAnchor.widget.ScrollToAnchorWithoutContext', 'ScrollToAnchor.widget.Anchor' ] Running "generate:javascript" (generate) task \\Mac\Home\Documents\Mendix\ProjectName\deployment\widgets.config.json [ 'ScrollToAnchor.widget.ScrollToAnchor', 'ScrollToAnchor.widget.ScrollToAnchorWithoutContext', 'ScrollToAnchor.widget.Anchor' ] Running "dojo:dist" (dojo) task Building Dojo... >> Error Warning: Task "dojo:dist" failed. Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings. I don't know what to do with the contents of this file. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thnx in advance!
5 answers

Have you tried to clean out your deployment directory?

If you don't have anything that you need to commit, you can always re-download your project from the team server.


Hi Bas, 

An option might be to just delete your project and download it again from the teamserver since your team members are able to run it. Maybe you have some local changes that are giving the error. 


Do you have a Module named WidgetName1? Because normally the widget.config.json is a list of all the widgets in your project per module ie ["calendar.widget.calendar","BootstrapInputAddons.widget.BootstrapInputAddons"].





Hey Bas,

Can you check the Dojo build errors at %project-dir%/deployment/data/tmp/dojo/build-report.txt? This should indicate which widget is failing to build and should point you in the direction of a solution.

Kind regards,

Bas van Heugten


Unfortunately I'm experiencing the same problem as Bas. Team members, who are working on a Windows computer, are able to build locally without any issues and only I can not. (Mendix version 6.10.10). Our similarity is that we are both working on a Mac.
