Hi Menno,
Based on the reference doc - https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/deploy/sap-cloud-platform
"By setting the environment to development mode, the application can be run in prototype mode or without security. This is not recommended for Acceptance and Production environments"
I found the following comments in a Mendix configuration document:
# DTAPMode is an old setting that specifies in which DTAP (Development, Test,
# Acceptance, Production) step the application is running. The Mendix Runtime
# will behave differently when using Development/Test setting than in
# Acceptance/Production. In D/T, more 'development'-like extra magic
# functionality like automatically creating/updating an administrative account
# or trying to create a database when it does not exist is enabled.
# Nowadays this DTAP stages are replaced by the 'Configurations' tab page in
# Project Settings in the Modeler, which allows to create any number of sets of
# configuration settings to be used. (e.g. run on built-in database for
# development, switch to test-database of the project team etc...) The Modeler
# always starts using the Development mode.
# NEVER EVER use Development or Test on a production server.