Integrate SSO via XSUAA and keeping excel importer module?

Hi to all of you! When enabling SSO via XSUAA without the 'Model Mx Reflection Module' and the 'Excel Importer Module', it works perfectly. But as soon as I am downloading those modules, my userlib folder changes and after deployment to the SAP cloud, by logging into the app, it gives out a blank page. I already checked the common.codec file, but it isn't duplicated. Do you know how to handle this? Many thanks in advance! Laura Edit: The log file which gives out the error after downloading both modules:   Edit 2: You were right. I contacted Mendix Support in parallel to posting this. This issue can be resolved by deleting either one of those folders (I desinstalled and reinstalled all modules before changing the userlib folder): commons-codec-1.3.0.jar org.apache.commons-codec-1.3.0.jar org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec-1.3.0.jar (...) commons-codec-1.3.0.jar
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