Show an offline application, by opening it via a shortcut (so without openening the modeler first)

Hi all!  I have quite a peculiar question: Is there a way to show someone an application that I built, without uploading it to the cloud and without opening it from the modeler? So I want to open the application locally - the same way as it is opened from the modeler. Only in my situation I want to open it via a seperate shortcut. Is that possible and if yes, how?   Kind regards and thanks in advance!
2 answers

Never done it myself, but you are able to run an app 'on premise' from your own hardware. See for example:

However without a Mendix license the app will only run for 2 hours at a time just as the Mendix sandbox.


The only thing I can think of is by creating an app of your application. But then you can only show it on a tablet or phone and not on a desktop.



