No base-url

Hi, My application runs in a Microsoft on-premise environment on two servers behind a load balancer. In order to retreive the base url, the application calls the java action Misc.getApplicationURL(). The problem is that it returns : null.  Does anybody know how and where I can specify the base URL? (Maybe somwhere in IIS?)
2 answers

Dragos is on the right path. This property should be filled in your Settings.yaml file. 

Have a look at the following documentation pages:

Microsoft Windows


A fully documented example yaml file can be found on GitHub: m2ee-tools/examples/full-documented-m2ee.yaml

Search for ApplicationRootUrl




Hello Jitze,

Misc.getApplicationURL() resolves further into Core.getConfiguration().getApplicationRootUrl(). 

While I'm not sure where you would configure it - perhaps checking the configuration definition in the Java SDK documentation here would help get you on the right path - It's likely that all the properties defined under configuration are set up from the same place.
