App does not wake up - self-help?

I am trying to deploy a locally working app to the sandbox-cloud. Security setting set to productive. However, the app does not deploy - after 10minutes the Desktop Modeler throws an error - advising to check  the logfile.   Here is what the logfile states... v7.21.0.42856 Starting build for Mendix Project file: /srv/cloud/slots/tr10000/deploy/data/tmp/1544540245331-0/src/Schichtdickenerfassung.mpr Using the following options: * Build target: Package * Deployment package file: /srv/cloud/slots/tr10000/deploy/data/tmp/buildjob8588602447840299738.mda * Model version: * Model description: Automatically generated deployment package for Free App deployment. * Project name: Schichtdickenerfassung Reading project file... Building project... Executing step 'Synchronize with file system' * Synchronizing with file system... Executing step 'Initialize' * Preparing deployment... Executing step 'Check prerequisites' * Checking for errors... Executing step 'Clean deployment directory' * Cleaning deployment directory... * Cleaning web deployment directory... Executing step 'Prepare deployment' * Writing files... Executing step 'Build deployment structure' * Compiling Java... * Generating integration files... * Exporting a theme... * Exporting pages... * Optimizing... * Exporting custom widgets... * Bundling custom widgets... * Compressing web resources... Executing step 'Save model to deployment directory' * Saving model to deployment directory... Executing step 'Create deployment package' * Creating deployment package... Executing step 'Finalize deployment package' BUILD SUCCEEDED Invalid type Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.HtmlControl for instance field Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec:htmlControl Invalid type Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec for instance field Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec+<>c__DisplayClass26_0:<>4__this Invalid type System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl for instance field Eto.Wpf.Forms.WpfWindow`3[TControl,TWidget,TCallback]:menuHolder Invalid type Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec for instance field Mendix.Modeler.UserManagement.SignInDialog:webView [+ 50] [BUILD 4a90897e-55e2-4b7b-80df-c2183b20c573/trunk/82 -> 6229695. State: Running] Uploading to cloud portal.. [+ 53] [BUILD 4a90897e-55e2-4b7b-80df-c2183b20c573/trunk/82 -> 6229695. State: Running] Creating tag.. Committed revision 83. [+ 58] [BUILD 4a90897e-55e2-4b7b-80df-c2183b20c573/trunk/82 -> 6229695. State: Running] Created tag:       v7.21.0.42856 [...] Executing step 'Finalize deployment package' BUILD SUCCEEDED Invalid type Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.HtmlControl for instance field Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec:htmlControl Invalid type Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec for instance field Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec+<>c__DisplayClass26_0:<>4__this Invalid type System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl for instance field Eto.Wpf.Forms.WpfWindow`3[TControl,TWidget,TCallback]:menuHolder Invalid type Mendix.Modeler.UIFramework.WebView.WebViewSpec for instance field Mendix.Modeler.UserManagement.SignInDialog:webView [+ 50] [BUILD 4a90897e-55e2-4b7b-80df-c2183b20c573/trunk/82 -> 6229695. State: Running] Uploading to cloud portal.. [+ 53] [BUILD 4a90897e-55e2-4b7b-80df-c2183b20c573/trunk/82 -> 6229695. State: Running] Creating tag.. Committed revision 83. [+ 58] [BUILD 4a90897e-55e2-4b7b-80df-c2183b20c573/trunk/82 -> 6229695. State: Running] Created tag:       -- any idea what goes wrong?
2 answers

Does it run on your local machine without errors?


yes it does with no problems
