Backup Restore

Hi, I am trying to restore a backup with instructions I was provided – after stopping the application, selecting the required backup and selecting ‘Restore Backup’ I get told that completion will show in the activity log.  Is the activitiy log the general log for the app on the portal? What working etc. am I looking out for to show the backup is complete.  Currently I cannot Back Up to a previous version and it just stays on the latest version. 
7 answers

Hi Craig,

I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but afaik, the only messages showing up in the Activity log when restoring a backup are the following:



Thanks, I see the activity log – I am attempting to select a backup to restore but every time it stays on the latest version even though the activity log says the following:

“Restore backup with ID 201905130245 from Acceptance to Acceptance has been Completed by Craig Milton. “


Restoring a backup doesn’t mean going back to a previous revision of your app. If you want that, you could just deploy an older deployment package to your node.


It's the data snapshot I am trying to get back? Does 'Backups' restore the data snbapshot do you know? it's the data snapshot I am trying to get back? Does 'Backups' restore the data snbapshot do you know? 


OK so going to Backups and restoring a backup will get me back my data. 

The only issue I currently have is that I am following the process to restore a backup, it says in the activity log
that I have completed the backup but the version number in Acceptance is still the latest one and I have no data. 



I usually restore backups by uploading a backup. This will clean your entire project, and you can manually transport the correct deployment package afterwards. 

- Download your backup (download database and files seperately)

- Upload the backup and follow the 'wizard steps’ (Stop application, clean application etc.)

- Deploy the correct deployment package.

- Start your app


This Does'nt work for production ENV. DEV, Test, And Acceptance Works
