How can I repair my stale Main-branch with current Upgrade-branch

My main-branch is behind in commits for over 15 months and is version 6.8. The branch_UpgradeMx7_8 currently deployed to production, for over a year, is upgraded to 7.8 going to 7.23  somewhere in the next month or two and has been restructered thoroughly as well. I tried to upgrade the main and merge branch_UpgradeMx7_8 but with so much changes, conflicts and several thousend “use-theirs”, I don’t trust the endresult. What is the best way to get my branch_UpgradeMx7_8 back into my main-branch? Is there some command “overwrite Main with branch_UpgradeMx7_8” or a “merge force”?
1 answers


I have used the method outlined in this post: several times with good results.

Hope that helps,

