Docker Build Error

I’m getting the following error when trying to build a docker image using the Mendix Build pack. I’m building this in Azure Devop’s on an Ubuntu 18.04 Hosted Agent. I’m also really not very familiar with Mendix or Linux for that matter so I’m hoping it’s something simple. 2019-10-24T18:19:58.7750397Z Step 13/26 : RUN mkdir -p /tmp/buildcache && "/opt/mendix/buildpack/compilation" /opt/mendix/build /tmp/buildcache && rm -fr /tmp/buildcache /tmp/javasdk /tmp/opt && ln -s /opt/mendix/.java /opt/mendix/build && chown -R mendix:root /opt/mendix && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mendix 2019-10-24T18:19:59.3436466Z ---> Running in e485b0c55308 2019-10-24T18:19:59.9393568Z [91m/bin/sh: 1: /opt/mendix/buildpack/compilation: Permission denied 2019-10-24T18:20:01.2722352Z [0mThe command '/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /tmp/buildcache && "/opt/mendix/buildpack/compilation" /opt/mendix/build /tmp/buildcache && rm -fr /tmp/buildcache /tmp/javasdk /tmp/opt && ln -s /opt/mendix/.java /opt/mendix/build && chown -R mendix:root /opt/mendix && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mendix' returned a non-zero code: 126 2019-10-24T18:20:01.2890738Z ##[error]The command '/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /tmp/buildcache && "/opt/mendix/buildpack/compilation" /opt/mendix/build /tmp/buildcache && rm -fr /tmp/buildcache /tmp/javasdk /tmp/opt && ln -s /opt/mendix/.java /opt/mendix/build && chown -R mendix:root /opt/mendix && chmod -R g+rwX /opt/mendix' returned a non-zero code: 126 2019-10-24T18:20:01.2909812Z ##[error]The process '/opt/hostedtoolcache/docker-stable/17.9.0-ce/x64/docker' failed with exit code 126  
1 answers

I got the same problem. I go to make a new folder then

 git clone

after that i run docker build --build-arg BUILD_PATH=./DashboardUImain -t dbv002 .

and it success to deploy.
