Run a Mendix app on a local webserver

Hello, I am a beginner with the Mendix platform and I want to build an app using the Desktop modeler and host it on a local webserver. Is it possible to do this? The reason is that due to security issues, I will not be able to communicate with the application hosted on the cloud directly during the development process. The local webserver should be able to host the App and communicate with another application on a Linux machine which runs the computations. The Mendix modeler builds the front end for this App. At the production stage this App will be hosted on the cloud.
4 answers


You can deploy Mendix applications on premise but I believe it requires a license. Here is the documentation for an on premise deployment.


Hope this helps!


You only want to use the local instance during development? When running from Studio Pro locally, Studio pro will create  server locally on your development machine. Maybe its possible to connect to the right sources from your development machine?


Do you want to run it on Linux? That’s pretty simple with m2ee


In the project settings you can add/change a configuration. In this configuration go to the server section and there you can select a port to wich the application will listen (standard is 8080).

If you want to change this port you need to change the Application root URL and also the runtime port. You also can select if the runtime port  is open to other machines.

If both servers are on the same network, they can comunnicate to eachother with their internal Ip’s (IPv4) followed by the port.


If you use API’s for the communication you need to add the full path to that URL.

example for a APICall from your other application to your Mendix application:

To communicate from your Mendix application to your other application also use the full URL (like above) to make the APICall in a microflow.

Make sure to set your headers right when communicating from one API to another (content, username, password).


Keep in mind that a local running Studio Pro only has a limited runtime duration, so during testing you might need to restart it after a period of time.
