Run On Cloud To Generate APK File

Hi ,  i'm trying to run my project on cloud so i can publish mobile app apk file , but the project unable to run on cloud throw an error  and me unable to see the Live Log , id try to export the project and create another one same error unable to run on cloud  , is there a way to build apk file without run on cloud ???????     this is the log file : from another project after import the old one : 1:44:35 PMSYSINFOUpdated app with guid 7b6ad0e1-3d3c-461f-bd23-c53b3296d954 ({"environment_json"=>"[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]"}) 1:44:35 PMSYSINFOUpdated app with guid 7b6ad0e1-3d3c-461f-bd23-c53b3296d954 ({"environment_json"=>"[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]"}) 1:44:35 PMSYSINFOUpdated app with guid 7b6ad0e1-3d3c-461f-bd23-c53b3296d954 ({"environment_json"=>"[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]"})    
1 answers

Hi Mohammad, for testing purposes you can use the so called Make It Native app from Mendix. You need to start your project and scan a QR code. For more info see here

Hope this helps
