ITMS-90704 error uploading on Transporter for App Store Connect

Dear all, I tried to upload an .ipa file to app store connect but is as appearing an error ITMS-90704 because it was missing a 1024x1024 icon. I checked on Mendix app management>  Publish App for Mobile App Stores > ios > icons and there were not a 1024 x 1024 by default. To solve the issue I needed to download the .zip project from phonegap, extract and manually insert a line in the config.xml <icon height="1024" width="1024" src="res/ios/icon-1024.pgn" /> copy a icon-1024.pgn file for “res/ios/” folder. .zip the file again and then upload to phonegap and rebuild. Is there a possilbity to insert a 1024x1024 icon on Mendix Platform?   Regards, Emerson Umbinger Siemens DISW Brazil
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