Learning path Build a Native Mobile Inspection App -> scan QR Code & View Native Mobile App

Hi all, I am on the learning path Build a Native Mobile Inspection App https://gettingstarted.mendixcloud.com/link/path/66 using Mendix Studio Pro 8.2.2. I am using the Native Mobile Quickstart start app – no modifications up until this point. In step 4.1.1 it tells to run the app locally and for testing to use the Mendix Make It Native App on my phone. Here, the Mendix Make It Native App tells me that this is not a Mendix QRCode. I am guessing the MakeitNative app cannot reach the app I just can locally (?) and thus this error occurs. 1.) How can I fix this? Both devices are in the same WiFi-Network as suggested.   After unsuccessfully running it locally I tried to run it on the cloud – but here I ran across this issue (which does not get resolved even after an 30 minutes of waiting):     2.) What exactly does this mean and how can I fix this?   Thanks a lot   Steffen
1 answers

For locally, you should to change running server from localhost to your PC IP address on project setting, and make sure that your PC (which is executing project) and your mobile are same network.

For cloud running, I faced the same issue with you unfortunately :(.
