Mendix 7 builds take a lot of time when using multilanguage

We are upgrading our Mendix project from version 6.9.1 to 7.23.7. The project contains 11 languages. Where a local run of the app in the modeler in Mx6 takes about 4 minutes it takes in Mx7 14 minutes. An update of a running project takes about 1 minute in Mx7. Adding 3 languages in Mx7 results in a build that takes 18 minutes. I notice the 'Exporting pages...’ step in the build takes lots of time. In our project we only need to translate a few pages, not all of them. Is there a way to let the modeler generate only multilanguage pages for one or two modules?
1 answers

In my experience Mx 7 could indeed be slower to run locally in comparison to Mx6. I dont think there is a way to only generate a couple of multilanguage pages.

Also, don't know what database you are using? But if it's a big build in DB that could also cause sloweness. 
Using something like postgres might be better.

If the problem is still there i would suggest submitting a support ticket with Mendix.
