branching in tortoiseSVN causes the app to not deploy to the mendix cloud

Mendix 8.4.0 I created a branch in tortoiseSVN instead of using the branch line feature and it causes my app to fail when deploying to the mendix cloud with this error:   ·         11:55:36 AMSYSINFOCreating build for app with guid 8f13f3cb-ec1e-4fce-9e91-47587d0287d5  ·         11:55:36 AMSYSINFOUpdated app with guid 8f13f3cb-ec1e-4fce-9e91-47587d0287d5 ({"state"=>"STARTED"})  ·         11:55:36 AMSYSINFOCell 4317b4f4-83d1-427c-b051-5399acf7f22b creating container for instance 4566840d-b6eb-4d9a-bb5b-ffe74ba60228  ·         11:55:37 AMSYSINFOCell 4317b4f4-83d1-427c-b051-5399acf7f22b successfully created container for instance 4566840d-b6eb-4d9a-bb5b-ffe74ba60228  ·         11:55:37 AMSYSINFODownloading app package...  ·         11:55:37 AMSYSINFODownloading app package failed  ·         11:55:37 AMSYSINFOCell 4317b4f4-83d1-427c-b051-5399acf7f22b stopping instance 4566840d-b6eb-4d9a-bb5b-ffe74ba60228  ·         11:55:37 AMSYSINFOCell 4317b4f4-83d1-427c-b051-5399acf7f22b destroying container for instance 4566840d-b6eb-4d9a-bb5b-ffe74ba60228  ·         11:55:38 AMSYSINFOCell 4317b4f4-83d1-427c-b051-5399acf7f22b successfully destroyed container for instance 4566840d-b6eb-4d9a-bb5b-ffe74ba60228   I’m guessing creating branches outside of Mendix is not supported; is that documented somewhere?
2 answers

Studio Pro adds metadata to each revision when you commit or create a branch. Part of that metadata is the Mendix version of the project and this is needed by cloud deployment.

Because you created the branch outside Studio Pro, this metadata is missing from your branch. That is probably why the cloud deployment fails.

You can fix it by making a tiny commit on your branch from Studio Pro, just changing a documentation field or something. Then Studio Pro will add the metadata and cloud deployment will hopefully succeed again.


There is no documentation about that. If there were any, I would expect it here:

You can add some extra information about your findings to that page by editing it, saving it and creating a pull request.
