Kubernetes License error

I’m following this documentation and have populated the fields for the license key and server. When the application starts up in Kubernetes I get the following warning: WARNING - Core: The runtime has been started using a trial license, the framework will be terminated when the maximum time is exceeded! This would indicate that the license information is not set correctly but I have no idea how to even debug this problem in kubernetes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.      
1 answers

Hi Josh,

  I am assuming you are using the Mendix Docker Buildpack for your Kubernetes orchestration. You are correct that the warning you are seeing indicates that the license key information has not been set. First, make sure that you are passing the License credentials correctly when you are starting your Docker. The format is outlined here and should be something like the following:

docker run -it \
  -p 8080:80 \
  -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=Password1! \
  -e DATABASE_ENDPOINT=postgres://mendix:mendix@ \

Make sure that your License ID and Key values are the ones provided by support when you requested your license. If you have the parameters passed to Docker correctly but the values are incorrect, you will see a message in your Mendix Logs that the License Key/ID are invalid.

WARNING - Core: Error processing license key. Please check if you have submitted the full Mendix license key. Key verification failed (10010). The key is not in a valid format. WARNING - Core: The runtime has been started using a trial license, the framework will be terminated when the maximum time is exceeded!

That will let you know that you have the startup parameters added correctly. If you don’t see that, then you are not passing the right arguments to the startup

As to the more general question, how do I debug the startup parameters when using Kubernetes, the answer depends on what Kubernetes tool you are using. If you are using Azure and following this documentation, then make sure your License information is specified in ‘deploy to kubernetes’ release pipeline using the following format:


If you are not using AKS, then please ignore the above and add some more details about which Kubernetes tooling you are using.
