Associated Comnpany visible in Application Info - is there a way to change it?

Hello everybody, I’m wondering if there is a way how to modify the associated company that is visible in the application info. Go to: and click on “apps” and there following Aither it is an Continental AG “Free App” or it shows Continental AG “Licensed App” or it is Mendix “Licensed App”. The last one was a tricky one because as an Company Admin I was unable to manage the security related to this application.  This application did not appear even in the application overview of our applications in the area “company admin”. You may ask how it wass created in the first place? It was simple – we have asked mendix to start a joint project and a colleague from Mendix has created this app and somehow listed it visibly in our applciation catalogue.  But is there a way to change it? In the Application info this particual setting is not editable. Do you have experience with this?  Let me know Many Thanks Miroslav  
2 answers

Hi Miroslav,

I have to do this often, and there is one solution: send in a ticket with this request. There is no way to do it yourself :)

It is usually picked up and finished within a couple of hours.

Good luck!

EDIT: In your ticket be sure to provide the App ID and the correct full name of the company you want the app to be connected to


Hi Wieke, 

Thanks for your reply. Honestly this one I would recommend to improve the frontend. There are some security and licence implications behind and as such I would totally recommend that a company can be canged by the customer more easily. There can be also situations where the app is developped maintained and upgraded by one company, and another company just needs to use and takes part on the project management. So far since tehre is no other way around I would go for the support ticket solution. 

Regards Miroslav
