How to launch it on real device?

I have created an app and after deploying it to the cloud, I downloaded it from PhoneGap (.apk) file, I installed it to the real device and if I launch it, it is asking some credentials for login. I have tried all the credentials that I have ( Mendix credentials, Adobe credentials that I created while doing things on PhoneGap and also tried alias and password that I gave while I was creating authentication key). Please tell me the way so that I can it on real android device.
2 answers

Hi Asim,

can you also check to what environment is your app connected to?

In ...\PhoneGapSource\config there should be a file name “environment.json”. Check that file for environment.

Sample config

  "development": {
    "name": "My App",
    "identifier": "",
    "url": "http://localhost:8080"



You’ve set the security level to Production I assume. You could go to your Project’s Security window and check the Demo users. There should be 2 of them. If you open one then you can copy its password.

Also on the Anonymous users tab you can allow anonymous users to access your app and the login screen shouldn’t appear.
