Mendix Project: Go back to revision x

Hi folks, I wonder if I am to blind to find it, or if it is really not implemented. Imagine the following scenario: I, as a developer,  did some changes to a existing mendix project using Mendix Studio Pro. I pushed the "run in cloud" button, the stuff is committed and now I go on parental leave for two months. On the next day (I am out of office already) the project owner sees my changes and does not agree with them. He wants to revert back to the previsious revision. But he does not find any Mendix internal mechanisms to achieve that. He is able to track down the version history and the committing comments, but no "revert back" button.   He has no idea about SVNs, so the only chance he has, is to ask another developer to manually download this mendix project, install a third party svn client and handle the repo with this third part client to go back one reviosn. Then the modified (reverted) repo needs to be opened again in Mendix-Studio Pro and needs to be committed agin to the Mendix team-server.   Is this really the proposed way, how to handle those kind of situations, or am I missing something?   Thanks a lot!
3 answers

What you also can do is, create a branch from the related version and then you download this version on a modeler.


I think you’re looking for the “Reverse Merge changes...” from the “Version Control” menu






Okay, this seems to be a better workaround here. Thanks!
