Docker Image Generation on Windows

Hi All, We are trying to generate the Docker image on the Windows Machin. Here are the steps which we followed. These are the documentations about Docker support of Mendix: we have gone through this. Build a Docker Image from a Mendix App Project: Run a Mendix Docker Image:   Post-reading the documents we have approached the same steps.  Here are the below questioned asked my self. Install Docker on your working machine: is your installation working properly?  Yes, working properly2. Unzip the Mendix Docker Buildpack in a location according to your choice: did you do this step properly?  yes this also done . Copy the project folder to the unzipped docker build folder: did you do this step successfully?   Yes, this also done. docker build command: if it fails, what kind of errors did you get?  Getting the below error.   D:\docker-mendix-buildpack-master>docker build --build-arg BUILD_PATH=DataImportSampleApp-main_3 -t testdocimage1.0 . Sending build context to Docker daemon  134.8MB Step 1/21 : ARG ROOTFS_IMAGE=mendix/rootfs:trusty Step 2/21 : FROM ${ROOTFS_IMAGE} trusty: Pulling from mendix/rootfs image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform D:\docker-mendix-buildpack-master> Thanks in advance and help is very much requried, we could not able to move forward.  
2 answers

Have you tried setting your container mode in docker to Linux? 


I am able to do the setup post changes in the Yaml Script.I am able to do the setup post changes in the Yaml Script.
