Getting rid of the default login.html

We have set up SAML SSO and when we log in to our URL if we don’t put /SSO/ at the end of the URL it defaults to the Mendix login.html which we would like to remove.  How do we do this?  Thanks in advance!
4 answers

This section of the SAML documentation covers how to achieve what you’re looking for.

In short: 

  1. make an index3.html file in your theme directory that’s a copy of index.html
  2. set the constant SSOLandingPage to /index3.html
  3. rip just about everything out index.html and make it just redirect to /sso/ by using the meta tag:


<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/SSO/" />




I would also add that it is probably a better idea to rename index.html to fdsfdsy78vcds08iur2389chediuhcadjkszhijuacdsv99.html , this will make it still possible for a developer to log in using username/password, for instance when having to bootstrap the system of whenever your identity provider is down.

Security-wise there is not a huge difference between obscuring and removing.


Thanks – I’m trying it as we speak and i agree with the renaming.  We don’t want to lose the ability just hide it.


I have tried removing or renaming the login.html in my Themes folder and it just recreates it.
