Please make epics and feedback functionality usable - Mendix Forum

Please make epics and feedback functionality usable


Now epics and the new feedback section are Mendix standard, but the usability is still lacking behind.

Problem 1:
When receiving feedback it cannot be properly converted into a story in epics. 

Customer sends this feedback

the generated story looks like this:

this is so not x-times faster if I have to manually enter line breaks again in a story created from feedback.


Problem 2: There’s a nice contact reporter section in Feeback

But this is not directly reachable from App Insights/Feedback – only via the link in the mail.

Problem 3: When I open an epic and then click on a story in the epic. After closing the story I have to reopen the epic again. That’s generating a lot of time waste during planning sessions.
When I come from the page showing an epic I should also end up on the page.

This all looks like platform bugs to me, but it looks like problem 1 just works as designed, according to support

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Unfortunately, this is the expected behavior as Epics only accepts text without markup. However internal team can rethink this if they see the need for it by users.

Therefore we would like to invite you to share your ideas on the Mendix Idea forum. All our customers' feature requests are collected here, where they can be enriched and voted on by others. Based on this feedback, our Product Management team determines which features bring the most value and will be implemented.


2 answers

Hi Fabian,


Problem 1 is indeed a bit harder to solve, but we'll look into it.

Problem 2 I think I can help with: you can get to the Contact reporter section, you just need to click the feedback item ID on the left (we'll be working on changing that interaction soon since now it's hard to find)

Problem 3, if I understood correctly is that if you open a linked story, you would like the epic or story from which you came to stay available after you close a linked story? Let me see what we can do.




Epics is a replacement of Stories, which will be retired on October 1, 2023. From October 1, 2023 onwards, for apps that were still using Stories, Epics will automatically become the default project management tool. After October 1, 2023, you can still migrate the stories to Epics. To migrate your data from stories to Epics, see the How to Migrate Stories to Epics section in Planning.
