Improve Epics within Epics - Mendix Forum

Improve Epics within Epics


After using Epics for a while on a project, the overview on actual Epics started to get somewhat chaotic.

Since there is almost now functionality to structure that view I would like to have some more features there to improve usability:

  1. Add an Epic state that can be manually maintained. These states don't need to be static, but I would at least require something like 'Archived', 'Started', 'Finished'. The automatic status is not flexible enough, e.g. when an epic has 3 finished stories but I already planned to add more.
  2. Improved search filters: allow to search by Epic name, by Epic state (as above) and also allow multiselect on state filters. Add Search/Filter by Tags.
  3. Make it possible to reorder Epics.
  4. Add option to sorting the list
  5. Allow to archive an Epic, such that it is no longer shown on the standard view
2 answers

Thanks for all these great ideas! We hear you and will look into making it easier to manage epics - this was less important in the very beginning, but now that you probably have a much longer list of epics to deal with, I can see how the current way is not enough anymore.


At these point I cannot say when this might land on the roadmap, but I will definitely keep you posted here.


Archive functionality for epics is really important.

We get a growing list of older epics, which are not relevant, but make it harder to find the one you want.


And deleting epics is no solution, because then the stories are not linked to a group anymore, so you mis out the history.
