IIH Semantics Release 1.10.1 (special from India) - Mendix Forum

IIH Semantics Release 1.10.1 (special from India)


Hello everyone, 


today I want to announce a special release for the IIH Semantics 1.10.1.  

We had a sev 2 bug reported ~ 1 week ago and now we deliver a hotfix for this customer. 

All the cudos go to @Anand Todkar and @Norbert Marouschek for prepareing the release and fixing the bug. 


We fixed a bug regarding the IIH to IIH synchronization. 


Why is this a special release? This time the team came together from all around the world. We started 6am Indian time and released 5pm USA time. The final confirmation of the release came when Ender and I where sitting in a Cab in Delhi - with poor connection during some severe traffic jam. Hence we put the phone on the roof for better reception and released anyways ;) 





Laugh brightly!
