Industrial Edge Incident - IED firmware update after device relocation - Mendix Forum

Industrial Edge Incident - IED firmware update after device relocation


Hello Industrial Edge Community,


An incident has been triggered because a BUG has been found while updating the firmware ofrelocatedIEDs. 


If a device firmware with IE Runtime version v1.12 is updated to a newer version of an Edge Device that was relocated from one IEM to another IEM, the status of the firmware update remains in "Activating" and the device is then offline. 


At this point, when IED is rebooted again, it rollbacks to old firmware version. Subsequently, login to the IED fails with the error message: "Unable to set token after validating login credentials"



Who is affected?


All Industrial Edge Devices whose firmware version is based on the IE Runtime Version v1.12 or later that are being updated to newer firmware versions after relocation between two IP-based IEMs. The component causing the error is inside the IE Runtime so that every Device Builder is affected. 


Note: You can check the IE Runtime version in the “Statistics” page of the IED UI. 


What is the root cause?


Current behavior is caused by the corruption of certificates in relocated devices which occurs during the firmware update.  


Are there any workarounds?


To avoid running into this issue, please make sure that you import manually the new IEM CA certificates via the IED UI before

firmware update as described below: 


Download the "IEM CA Certificate" file in the Industrial Edge Management UI. It can be obtained in the Device Menu clicking on the three dots of the target device.


Import file to Industrial Edge Device. Navigate to the System tab in the Settings menu. Then use the button "Import Certificates to IED Truststore".


See also "Workaround" section in this documentation, that is also valid for this issue.




In case you have already tried to update the firmware version without first updating the IEM CA certificates, your device is in an error state. Unfortunately, you will have to reset your device via the Service Stick and re-onboard it again to IEM. 




A hotfix will be provided for IE Runtime v1.19.x that will fix this issue in one of the next releases of each Industrial Edge Device. 


We are sorry for any inconveniences,


Incident Team


Dear Industrial Edge Community,


This post had been updated. We kindly ask you to read the post again to be aware of latest status.


Thank you for your attention.

Thanks Cosmin!