📣 Share Your Feedback! - Mendix Forum

📣 Share Your Feedback!


🚀 Exciting News! We are actively working to enhance our Industrial Edge Forum, Documentation and Marketplace, and we are launching our first survey! 


We're committed to creating an experience tailored to your needs, and your feedback is crucial in this journey. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and help us make our platform even better for you. 


⭐️ Bonus: Complete the survey and get credits to your forum profile that you can exchange for Industrial Edge Swag!


Thank you for helping us grow and improve. Your input truly makes a difference! 


Fill in the survey here - https://forms.office.com/r/Q7ciqiQN5J

or scan the QR code below ⬇️


QRCode for Welcome to the Satisfaction Survey! .png
