App Release: Industrial Information Hub 1.11.0! - Mendix Forum

App Release: Industrial Information Hub 1.11.0!


We are excited to announce the release of IIH version 1.11.0!


In this version, we further continued on improving the memory and performance of the system. We have reduced the memory requirement by approximately 256MB and enhanced the performance monitoring capabilities.  Another most wished feature we accomplished is Custom OPCUA events can now be configured with all applicable variables and events. Here are the detailed features in different sections of the product:



The Notification Center icon has been migrated to the top navigation bar for better responsiveness and visual compatibility.



We have improved the usage statistics, providing well-defined categories and evaluation of consumption.


Define Data:

All OPC UA nodesets are now displayed in a tree structure for improved clarity. Nodes under individual namespaces are instantly highlighted for easier navigation.

We have enhanced the expression editor with advanced editing features, such as syntactical keyword highlighting for logical switches, line numbers, and keyboard shortcuts.

You can now configure custom OPC UA events with all applicable variables and events. Check under Define Data > OPC UA Event.

It is now possible to publish the OPC UA namespace to Databus, making all variables available under that namespace.


Query Data:

The OPC UA status is displayed in an integrated sidebar panel on the Query Data page. This indicates the loading progress and graph generation status of namespaces.

GraphQL queries now support various OPCUA modelling references, including multiple HasComponent and multiple namespace hierarchies. Additionally, we have improved the performance of semantics GraphQL queries.



SSL certificates can now be downloaded from the settings.

Options are now available to manually check whether IIH Semantics is available or installed.


We hope you enjoy the new features and improvements in IIH version 1.11.0! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact anyone from below list.


Vitus Hawkridge (

Ender Yuzbasioglu (

Sita Cherukuri (

Bryan Huang (

Lukas Kohler (

Anand Todkar (



The new version of IIH is a good step forward in data modeling in OPC UA.

However I am facing to a major issue in my daly job with this new one.

When I download a datamodele from a custom one edited in SiOME, with the selection of the option to do not order the variable in alphabetic but in creation order, the EDGE is ordering automatically the variable alphabetically.

For me it is a main issue when I want to associate tags in group.

Thanks for your help in this topic.

Best regards.


Capture d'écran 2024-05-24 174821.png


Hi Guillaume, sorry for the inconvenience. The development is already working on an improvement for the manual assignment of the assets: "script based configuration". so please stay tuned for the next versions. Best Regards, Matthias