Meet-Up for important IEM updates: Industrial Edge Management Virtual and IED relocation - Mendix Forum

Meet-Up for important IEM updates: Industrial Edge Management Virtual and IED relocation


Let us bring some spotlight to Siemens Industrial Edge Management (IEM) Virtual and the possibly required IED relocation:  In our upcoming Meetup, we give you the possibility to explore the new and now completed IEM offerings: IEM Cloud, IEM Pro, and IEM Virtual. Learn which option fits your needs best, to work with shopfloor data.

As this IEM innovation also implies change, we will talk about how the old IEMs needs to be migrated to one of the new offerings, after some check-backs.


Michael will guide you through the process of migrating from existing IEM OS setups to our new IEM offerings with IED Relocation.


Don’t miss this opportunityand register for this online meet-up right away!


See you there!
