Industrial Edge Management 1.0 (IEM-OS) Challenges - Mendix Forum

Industrial Edge Management 1.0 (IEM-OS) Challenges


Hello everyone,


We have identified that there is a problem with our current IEM version 1.0, sometimes referred to as "iso based IEM" (due to fact that it is created using .iso file). The symptoms are quite clear, after a certain extended period of running without issues, the IEM suddenly stops working and it is unreachable. In the browser you receive error "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". See attached picture for example.

image 249241200.png

Who is affected?

Based on our investigations, only customer that use the autogenerated certificates during the initial setup are affected. This means if you did not provide custom certificates during the initial setup of IEM then you are affected.


How can I check if my IEM is affected?

If you don’t see this import button then it means you are using autogenerated certificates and you are therefore affected.

MicrosoftTeams-image (43).png


What are the options to fix the problem?


First option

In case your IEM is already down, please get in touch with us via support channel SIOS. There is a way to recover it but it requires significant effort on both Siemens and customer side. In case you do not wish to invest this effort please see other options.


To get in touch with us please use following link (you need to have account to create support request): (Select product "Operating System (downloaded as iso self-hosted as virtual machine)" under Industrial Edge Management)


Second option

In case your IEM is still running,  we recommend you that you migrate to a new IEM 2.0. This would in practice means creating new IEM 2.0 from scratch based on the IEM 2.0 offering.


We have three IEM 2.0 offering that you can choose based on your knowhow and skillset.

  1. IEM Cloud (Limited market release) - Siemens provided IEM in Cloud
  2. IEM Pro (Broad market release) - running IEM on your own Kubernetes cluster
  3. IEM Virtual (Limited market release) - IEM as a virtual machine .ova file (similar to .iso based IEM 1.0)


If you need help choosing which is the best for your please reach out to your local Siemens representative for help.


With latest version of IEM 1.0 and IEM 2.0 and IED runtime you have today the option to "Relocate an Edge Device" which in this context means that you can migrate the edge device from IEM 1.0 to IEM 2.0. See documentation for details how to migrate an edge device.



Note that as of writing this post, the IEM Virtual and IEM Cloud are in limited release and we will slowly roll these products out based on customer feedback.

Due to fact that IEM Virtual is designed for the same users as for the users of IEM 1.0  (it is a virtual machine as well), we are currently working on hotfix to IEM 1.0 to give you a smooth transition from IEM 1.0 to IEM 2.0.

This means and that you will be able to update IEM 1.0 using .swu file. This hotfix will address this problem.


Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you migrate to IEM 2.0 as soon as possible due to fact that IEM 2.0 has much more benefits, it has faster boot up, has identity provider integration (e.g. Active directory, OpenID, …) and much more.



Third option

In case you did not invest too much effort, we would recomend that you create IEM 2.0 from scratch as described in option 2, do a hard reset of all your edge devices and manually onboard all your edge devices to IEM 2.0. In practice it would mean that you would have to configure both IEM and IEDs and Edge apps from scratch.


We recognize that this is a tedious task but it is the most straightforward solution. You can start from fresh plate which can save you some disk space and possibility to make some network architecture changes based on your learning from IEM 1.0.



Support information


To get in touch with us please use following link to SIOS (you need to have account to create support request): (Select product "Operating System (downloaded as iso self-hosted as virtual machine)" under Industrial Edge Management)


Thank you for your cooperation and feel free to post questions bellow or get in touch with us via SIOS.


