IEM App Projects versions

Hello,   I have a trouble to get the previous versions of the application from IEM App Projects to the IED.   It doesn't matter if I install app directly from IEM App Projects using install icon (Actions column) or indirectly from IEM Catalog through publishing it to the Catalog at first (using Catalog: Publish at the upper right corner of the App Projects page).   Whatever I try to do the result is the same - our app’s inner functionality shows  the latest version on IED is running although the IEM or IED shows the correct version (chosen one)!    What am I to do to fix this issue? Is there any specific log to check what actually happens "on the background" while app is being installed?     IEM Version 1.12.10 IED Version ied-os-1.9.0-27-amd64   Thanks Petr 
2 answers

Hi Petr,


Could you please check your docker-compose.yaml. Are you always using the ":latest" tag to address your images?

This overwrites your older images on the IEM with the never image version.

Please keep in mind that you always need to address your images with a correct version.

If this is not the problem, we will have to look into it further and check the logs of the IEM / IED.


Kind regards,


Hi Petr,


yes, the IEM stores all images, that you upload.
If you upload an image that is the same version (in your case latest), it will overwrite the older image version.

If you try to install a previous version, that still refers to the version “latest” the IEM will deploy the latest uploaded image with the tag “latest”.

So please always address your images with a proper version (e.g. 1.5.0-4528) before chosen the image in the publisher.


Best regards,


