Edge Management App warning

Hello,   I have recently configured IEM VM and trying to open Edge management app however its taking forever to open the Edge management UI. And when it open it shows below warning “get processor platform list failed”. After pressing OK it again takes too long to reload the page to same below page. Can anyone help please? Regards Rahul
3 answers

Hello Rahul,


thanks for your question.

Which IEM App Version are you using? In older Versions this used to happen under certain circumstances.

Did you already try to reboot the IEM? This helps to fix the issue from time to time


Hi Norman,

Thanks for your reply.


I am using the latest app version. I have rebooted IEM several times but nothing changed. The iso image i used to installed VM is named iem-os-1.5.2-4-amd64-install. Is there any settings i missed which cause this error? How can get older iso image to reinstall the VM?





Hi Rahul,

the latest ISO Image includes all the fixes, so going for an old ISO Image is not a good idea and will not help you. It seems that your IEM is somehow broken. How much resources did you assign to your VM (Number of Cores, Storage, RAM, etc)?

Did you already try to set up a new IEM or recover a Snapshot? Does this help?

