Machine Proxy

I have to ask, no one throw stones. But does Siemens POL run as an edge app? Can we look forward to that? I feel like Industrial Edge is the ideal place to run a POL
3 answers

POL  is known in the plants as process control systems , in Siemens we have PCS 7 and PC7 neo and our Scadas built in Wincc Unified for example. Other process control systems come from other process vendor….

The idea behind machine proxy is created a abastraction layer to integrate the bown field to MTP standards ( NAMUR 2658), the edge device+ machine proxy get data from the brown field with his comm connectors and map the variables to the standard, in order to use the machine with a plant that adopted MTP.

For the greenfield we have a PLC s7 library, to do native our PLC with the MTP standard..


So Could you use edge to built a POL, of course, you have  hardware / software to build any  app, indeed in node red you can build and web SCADA...but it is no the idea behind machine proxy, It has no sense to implement a PCS S7 process control system in the industrial edge enviroment.




No sure, but maybe “process orchestration layer” in the context of MTP, the “module type package” … related to standards in process industries if I’m not mistaken.


Hello Caleb,


there is already a Machine Proxy – Module Type Package – Application available in the Industrial Edge Marketplace ==>



Is this what you are looking for?
