S7 Connector vs S7+ Connector

Hi there! Where can I find an overview that explains the difference between the S7 Connector and the S7+ Connector in all imaginable aspects, including pricing, prerequisites, compatibility with different devices and Industrial Edge apps, technical and architectural differences?
2 answers

Here is the quick comparison for those 2 connectors:

S7 Connector supports S7 300/400 and S7 1200/1500 PLCs. Supports upto 6000 tags/sec publishing rate and free

S7+ Connector supports only S7 1200/1500 PLCs. Based on Connectivity suite architecture and supports upto 40000 tags/sec publishing rate. Light-weight, resource efficient and costs 168€/annum


Hi András,

All the relevant information can be found in the documentation of both of the applications:

s7 : https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/109813186/simatic-s7-connector?dti=0&dl=en&lc=de-DE

S7+: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/109808327/simatic-s7-connector-for-industrial-edge?dti=0&lc=en-US

As for the pricing, you can find more information for the cost of all items related to Industrial Edge:

