Hi Mikolaj,
By default the SIMATIC S7 Connector sends the data to the Databus using the following topic:
• For tags data: ie/d/j/simatic/v1/s7c1/dp/r/#
• For tags metadata: ie/m/j/simatic/v1/s7c1/dp
•For alarms data: ie/d/j/simatic/v1/s7c1/ev/#
• For alarms metadata: ie/m/j/simatic/v1/s7c1/ev
• For Connector and Connection status: ie/s/j/simatic/v1/s7c1/status
You don’t need to specify them all in the Databus configurator and it is sufficient to define the topic “ ie/#” and then you can use the Flow Creator app to monitor the published data if needed. I saw that some of the topics you configured sometimes ended with “/w” or “/r”, please note that “ /w” means that this topic is used to write data to the PLC while “/r” is to read data from the PLC.
Please also note that the buttons ” Start Project” and “ Stop Project” are not present anymore in the configurator in the latest update, and you can start publishing data by only clicking on “ Deploy”.
I would advise you to delete any extra topics you created on the Databus to avoid any confusion and retry again. If this didn’t work, feel free to comment on this question again.
Have any connectors been updated ? I broke the databus and the opc ua connector because I didn't follow the steps: https://forum.mendix.com/link/space/industrial-edge/exchanges/16
@Ahmed Elashy
1.I tried to use topics that you suggested. Still the same fault "alarmData, tagData disconnected".
2.Addinotially I found probably one more issue. Probably it`s because of Bus Adaptor fault:
In the status there is: “Connection state: No state (Not deployed)” – I deployed project few times.
Near the name “Edge_PLC” there is green mark OK with description “Deployed”. I`m really confused. Two descriptions with two different meanings.
I`m still able to Browse and add tags from PLC. I also restarted Databus and S7 Conenctor.
3.On Siemens support there is still old documentation:
In manual you can still find functions like Start and Stop Project..
In case anyone is facing a similar issue, please note that the S7 Connector version 2 needs the following apps to be installed on the edge device to function proberly :
1- Registry Service
2- Common Import Converter
In case you can't find them in your Hub account, you can obtain them from the market place.