Problems with onboarding edge device

I have a customer who have installed IEM with two network adaptors. One for internet access and the other is for the local network (IED).  IEM is running as expected. The problem comes when trying to onboard the edge device. When activating from IED UI, I get following error “device not available”. When looking in IEM the IED is green, but the state is still activating device. When trying to enter the IED UI again, just gives me the activating page again. Have never tried installing IEM with two network adaptors! Have attached the network architecture.      
2 answers

Hi Kasper,


the current IEM does not support two network interfaces. This setup will not work unfortunately. You need to use only one network adapter and configure the routing and firewall on the router.


Checkout best practices how to istall IEM in the Networking manual from Siemens.


Hope this helps,

Regards Ondrej




Hi Ondrej,

Thank you for your support. 

Br. Kasper
