Clicking on app tile in IEM catalog leads to http:// instead https://

Clicking on app tile in IEM catalog leads to http:// instead https:// I have not created any reverse proxy in edge app, but we have our internal reverse proxy. After manually updating the url to https://, UI works ok.   Docker Setting for API gateway:   environment: - UI_URL=http://ta-ui:80 - MAPPED_HTTPS_PORT=443 depends_on: - ta-ui - ta-nemo ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 - 4223:4223   Proxy infro location / { proxy_pass UI_URL;   server { charset utf-8; listen 80 default_server; server_name _; if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != 'https') { return 301 https://$host<MAPPED_REDIRECT_PORT>$request_uri; }       what should be the settings in reverse proxy in app publisher?  
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