IEM not available - How to access IED?

Hi,   I have and IED which is onboarded to the cloud IEM. On my machine, I can reache the cloud IEM and everything is fine. The customer is using the same IED, but cannot reach the cloud. Instead the login screen he gets the "Error 503 -  IEM not available"   Why doesn't the IED allow to logon without IEM beeing available?    With best regards Stefan Schneiderbanger
2 answers

Hi Stefan,


You should still be able to access the IED regardless of the IEM, How is the customer accessing the IED? Can you please also provide us with some screenshots to have a better understanding?


My current conclusion is the following:


The error message 503 - Service not available - Industrial Edge Management is missleading. The error message is not referring to the IEM, but to a service on the IED which is not running. 


We are trying to start a virutal box image on Windows Server. On Windows 10/11 it is working fine. I will stop activities with the virtual box for now on Windows Server. 


My wish towards the development team: A more precise error message / screen  would be helpful!



