How does IEAP to Build Edge App with Docker Images Tar Archive

Hello ALL, about building edge App with docker images tar archive, nor docker engine. I am using IE App Publisher.   Background: I want to build edge app with docker images, but the docker images are not in docker engine, they are all .tar archive format. I got the IEAP manual and found that param "imagetarjson" may  help me and I cannot find any more detailed usage about the param.   ie-app-publisher sa cv / ie-app-publisher sa createversion [-a / --appname]< appname>Application Name [-v / --versionnumber]< versionnumber>Version Number [-y, --yamlpath <yamlpath>] Path of docker compose yaml or folder path in case of kubernetes application. Optional arguments: [-j, --imagetarjson <imagetarjson>] List of services with the reference to their exported docker images. [-n, --nginxjson <nginxjson>] JSON map of nginx configuration. [-c/ --changelogs] < changelogs>Release Notes [-m/ --defaultmountpath] To add default mount path (./publish/ and ./cfg-data/) [-s, --redirectsection <redirectsection>] Redirect Section [-t, --redirecttype <redirecttype>] Redirect Type ("FromBoxReverseProxy","FromBoxSpecificPort"," ExternalLink") [-u, --redirecturl <redirecturl>] Redirect URL [-r, --restredirecturl <restredirecturl>] Rest Redirect URL [-e, --eventservice <eventservice>] Event Service is a feature provided by edge runtime for applications to receive and publish events. The communication is based on Unix Domain Socket(UDS). For example: --eventservice "{"servicename":"/opt/ event.sock"}" [-o, --authservice <authservice>] Auth service enables an application to use IED auth service api's(Make sure the application is created by enabling checkmark - Use Edge Device Auth Service). For example: --authservice "{"servicename":"/opt/ appsecrets.json"}" [-x, --accesswithoutlogin] Allow application access without login       I use the command to create the app version but I got the INFO that "Service 0 not found in docker compose file." So I think the param maybe more complex than what I think. ie-app-publisher sa cv -a "appname" -v 1.0.0-1 -j '["/data/xo/feature-img-tar/redis:6.0.tar"]' -y "./docker-compose.yaml"   [DEBUG]: Creating standalone application version. [DEBUG]: Checking valid semantic version. [DEBUG]: Version is valid semantic version. [DEBUG]: Validating imagetar json. Service 0 not found in docker compose file. [DEBUG]: Exporting application version.   Question 1. How could I build my edge app with docker images tar archive, I use IEAP tool?   Thanks~  
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