How to get last value from data service - IIH Essentials API

Hi,   I have created a flow creator project, in which I want to read the last value of a list of tags from IIH Essentials.    I am using the http://edgeappservice:4203/Dataservice/Data API call and hand over a list of VariableIDs. To get the last value I have set the limit=1 and order = Ascending   The querry returns some results, but not all. In the response there is a field where it says "hasmoredate" with a timeperiode from now - 1 minute.   Now I would need to iterate back 3 days to find all data I need. I do not see a perfomant way. Is there an easier way to just get the last value for a list of tags?   Support via MSTeams is highly appriciated   With best regards Stefan Schneiderbanger
1 answers

Hi Stefan,


I contacted you via MS Teams. As soon as the solution is found, the report will be also written in here for future usage.


Best regards,


