How to use Industrial Edge Devices Authentication for your own application?

Hi,   I have an application running on an industrial edge device using the device's reverse proxy proxy service. How do I enable authentication for the application so the application can not be accessed without signing into the device first? I thought this was the default behaviour as there is a check box in IE App publisher "Allow application access without login" which is unchecked and disabled for me when I create an application version.   Thank you, Saad
2 answers

Hello Saad,

it is the default behaviour when using the internal reverse proxy.

The Application is only reachable once you logged in to the Device. 

The option you mentioned "Allow application access without login" is only valid for the Unified Comfort Panel Edge Device.


The Option you are looking for is the "Secure Redirection" checkbox in the publisher, you can see a screenshot here:


I hope this helps you



Hello Saad,

HTTPS between Reverse Proxy and you App is not required, you can also use HTTP.

The reverse proxy will handle the HTTPS termination and forward the request unencrypted to you application.


Please also check out the Hello-World application:
